Wednesday, May 12, 2010

A belated happy Mother's Day

Some nice photos -

and some silly ones -

Just thought I would pop some Mother's Day photos up. I was feeling a bit sorry for myself on Sunday, I had to drop my hubby out to the airport at 7.30am so we left here about 6.30am (no sleep in - grrrrrr), picked the kids up from my friends house (they had a sleepover as we were out the night before) and dropped Ash off. He was off to New Guinea to walk the Kokoda Track, they won the trip last year because they raised the most money in the Kokoda Challenge in the Gold Coast Hinterland. So then I had to do the footy runaround and then came home all exhausted so sat down to a delightful dinner of toasted sandwiches. YUM, well not really, I am being sarcastic. So it was all about everyone else and not about me and it was MOTHER'S DAY for goodness sake. Why didn't someone tell my family??????? So this year Mother's Day sucked big time, but I did take some time to get some photos of me and the kids, gotta love that 10 second timer on the camera!!!!!!
Anyways, I hope you all had a relaxing day with a huge sleep in. Wish it was me, but it is my year next year.
PS. if you get a chance, pop by the Kokoda Challenge site, it is such an awesome youth program and there is no funding from the Government. All monies are raised from the proceeds of the Kokoda Challenge which they run in July every year. Approx 350 teams walk 96 kms straight through up in the mountains behind the Gold Coast. Ash's team raised over $16000 on their own last year. I'll let you all know when they start their fundraising, you can donate to his team directly on the website.


Sue said...

Debs, What lovely photos.

What a shame about your Mothers Day, but I am sure next year it will be fab.

Tracey Cooley said...

bummer Deb, but great photos of the kids and you

Unknown said...

love all your photos..thanks for popping by on my blog